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An alphabetical list, by author/s, of all of the presentations.

(To read more, click on a blue highlighted title)


A list of abstracts arranged by panel can be found here.

We need to talk … about the Creative PhD candidate/supervisor relationship

   - Lainie Anderson, Chloe Cannell, Sue Joseph & Ben Stubbs


Writing a Transformative Postmodern Memoir: The Metamorphosis of Clio

   - Megan Anning


Self and other

   - Eugen Bacon


Guiding body awareness through spoken text: Developing a queer somatic life writing method

   - Nina Baeyertz


Writing as catharsis

   - Tim Baker


Creating an ‘authentic’ narrative voice to foreground women’s experience in historical fiction

   - Christine Balint


‘Talking’ Translation: Measuring Spaces of Poetry from Multi-disciplinary Angles

   - Robert Barnstone, Tony Barnstone & Kimberly Williams


Breaking the Locks: increased accessibility for rural poets in Covid

   - Roxanne Bodsworth


Screenplay's sensual silences

   - Carina Böhm


Channelling collective voices against domestic abuse in fiction: Why we need women talking

   - Samantha Bowers


Working with feminist and queer pedagogies in readings and awareness

   - Anne Brady-Clark 


The Hard Yards – Face to Face with Detectives

   - Sally Breen


The 48 Symmetries (Film)

   - Tim Brook


Poetry and wellbeing: A pilot program to evaluate the impact of creative writing for patients in short and long-term rehabilitation

   - Owen Bullock


Fact, fiction and form: writing biographical poetry about poets

   - Sarah-Jane Burton


Animals, Machines, and Machine-Animals: non-Human Influence on Human Creativity

   - Sam Byrnand & Andi Stapp-Gaunt


Queering the short story YA cycle

   - Chloe Cannell


We need to talk about how poetry offers restitution of women’s historical voices

   - Anne Carson, Angela Costi & Kimberly Williams


Beyond artistic borders and into the future

   - Felicity Castagna


Recovering conversations from the archive

   - Elizabeth Chappell


Genre - What’s the story? Is this even a poem? The role of taxonomies, principles and operations on the production and reception of creative writing.

   - Katharine Coles, Julia Prendergast & Jen Webb


Authors and the end of the world: The wellbeing impact of researching, writing and marketing climate fiction

   - Alex Cothren, Rachel Hennessy & Amy Matthews


Meditation and the writing self, a pedagogical approach, or, not-talking to make space for talking and writing

   - Shady Cosgrove


Story Ground

   - Jen Crawford , Paul Magee & SJ Burton


We need to talk about longing: The imperative of languaging the feeling body through writing to health and wellbeing policy and practice

   - Stephanie Dale


Logocentrism and a reversed hierarchy within practice-led research

   - Oscar Davis


Triple threat: (Screen)writing queer adaptations in the academy

   - Dante DeBono


Objects and Life Writing: What We Learned from Failing

   - Marina Deller, Gemma Nisbet & Daniel Juckes


Clytemnestra needs to talk (a verbal performance)

   - Kirk Dodd


Queering transreal narratives: storying that navigates boundaries between fiction and reality for transilient emergent identities

   - Gil Douglas


Forming, Transforming - a reading from Moon Wrasse

   - Willo Drummond


‘Saying a lucid yes’: an ecstatic transbody writes

   - Quinn Eades


Writing Lacunae – Object writing as collaboration with loss in Judith Schalansky’s An Inventory of Losses

   - Johanna Ellersdorfer


Wit(h)nessing cultural exchange via verbatim theatre

   - Melody Ellis & Francesca Rendle-Short


Talking To Ourselves in an Empty Room 

   - Stewart Ennis


Tacit: an invitation to discourse

   - Bethany Evans


Putting Words in their Mouth: Dialogue in Autobiography

   - Allan Ewing


Talking back to archival silence

   - Louise Falconer


Women's voices in true crime podcasting

   - Ruth Fogarty


I STAND HERE IRONING (and Writing): A One Act (Conversation) About Creativity, Laundry and Why I Do My Best Work in the Kitchen

   - Laura Fulton


A way of discovering: How artworks represented in fiction can reflect a character’s state of mind

   - Sarah Giles


Creative labour and experiments with AI in the Creative Writing Classroom

   - Roanna Gonsalves


Australia my home through my poetry

   - Sunil Govinnage


We need to talk about Creative Care

   - Pauline Griffiths


Analostalgia: Audio storytelling through analogue technology as a vehicle for time travel

   - Raelke Grimmer


8 Little Words: The impact of writing events on emerging campus communities.

   - Karen Hands


Facing the Facts by Avoiding the Issue: Anything but Therapeutic Writing

   - Oz Hardwick


The Mother Tongue: how contemporary fairy tale retellings can re-centre women’s lived experience

   - Sarah Hart



   - Dominique Hecq


Digital writing, artificial intelligence and a poet’s desire: A methodology of creative coding with GPT as co-pilot

   - Jenny Hedley


Climate Fiction Posthuman Artist Laboratory

   - Rachel Hennessy, Alex Cothren & Amy Matthews


Creating a literary avatar: Using close-third person and present tense narration to authentically recreate the trauma of the past

   - Jennie Hollamby


Ginger cake and lemon icing: Intergenerational Familial Autoethnography

   - Indyana Horobin


Who’s Afraid of the Deep Dark Woods: Challenging traditional fictional representations of woods and the wild

   - Shannon Horsfall


A Rush of Grief: Ekphrasis and emotionally intelligent understandings of pain in children’s picture books

   - Shannon Horsfall , Ross Watkins & Jules Richards


What if teaching was deliberately fun? Combating burnout through creative play

   - Christine Howe & Emma Darragh


Oral Improvisation as Compositional Method: The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Share, the David Antin Talk Poem, and Talk Recovery

   - Rose Hunter


Where difficult stories live

   - Elena Isayev


Talking in Fragments: the Urdu ghazal in English

   - Jinendra Jain


Decolonisation and diaspora hybridity: An autoethnographic exploration of post-colonial fiction writing

   - Sharmila Jayasinghe


‘Split Level’: Articulating Lost Houses Through the Uncanny

   - Ella Jeffery


Sexologist Norman Haire and the need to talk about sex

   - Rebecca Johinke


AAWP HDR Roundtable

   - Sue Joseph


This Thing of Darkness I Acknowledge Mine

   - Sue Joseph & Nicholas Flanagan


Beyond Trauma: Queering Biography

   - Atul Joshi


Our story: Seeking relational autonomy through intergenerational storytelling 

  - Helena Kadmos


Nonkingdom: Its Laws and Ways

   - Louise Katz


On the Limits of Imagination: Experiences of First Nations Writers and Writers of Colour within the Australian Literary Industry

   - Natalie Kon-yu


Surf Speak: The men in grey suits are out the back

   - Nicole Lenoir-Jourdan


Interdisciplinary writing programs

   - Wing Sze Leung


Speaking About the Unspeakable: Poetry as a Way to Bear Witness to Suffering

   - Miriam Wei Wei Lo & Emilie Collyer 


We need to talk about the pedagogical challenges of poetry workshops and re-imagined possibilities

   - Lynnette Lounsbury, Carolyn Rickett & Judith Beveridge


Speaking Silence: Poetics of Contemplation

   - Rose Lucas


Appropriation and the Authentic voice

   - Karen Martin


The Missing Books in Australian Children’s Literature: An Australian-Filipino Author’s Journey to Representation

   - Kristyn Maslog-Levis


‘And he rode a Trojan Horse': an exegetical conversation about masculinity in the historical western romances of Amy Barry

   - Amy Matthews


Creative writing and other practices employed in the evaluation of women’s football community projects in the Pacific Islands

   - Lee McGowan, Dani Medina Hidalgo, Kasey Symons, Chelsea Taylor

     & Emma Evans


Crafting Horse Umwelten: Equine Life-Worlds in Horse Narrative

   - Alannah Mewes


Storytelling as decolonial method in the classroom

   - Benjamin Miller & Charlotte Okkes-Sane


'Not just a file' (Fillm)

   - Rachel Morley & Milissa Deitz


Let them speak: scripting the letters of Xavier Herbert and Beatrice Davis

   - Melanie Myers


Grieving; postPhD

   - Gemma Nisbet & Daniel Juckes


The fractured Immigrant; exploring a life re-examined

   - Kim Novick


Tell don’t show: voice, perspective and the limits of empathy in the fiction of Daniel Davis Wood

   - Julian Novitz


How can we use a ‘labial narrative framework’ to explore ambivalent intimate experiences of shame and desire in short fiction?

   - Eve Nucifora-Ryan


Experimental approaches to writing shame and desire in fiction

   - Eve Nucifora-Ryan & Imogen McKenzie


We need to talk about writing and reading the monstrous mother in I’m Glad My Mom Died

   - Cheryl O'Byrne


Image and Word: essaying in collaboration

   - Danielle O'Leary & Rachel Robertson


Women's magazines, true crime

   - Lili Paquet & Rosemary Williamson


Talking about food in times of hardship

   - Gail Pittaway


Ideasthetic Imagining—Mapping the Brain’s Microstates Using Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

   - Julia Prendergast, Paris Lyons & Benjamin Slade


Motherforklift: Trans-Supportive Parenting in 21st Century Australia

   - Kel Purcill


An Exploration of (A)Sexual Attraction in the Contemporary Adult Romance Novel

   - Rachelle Raco


#web weaving: Hyperconnected Centos and the Digital Futures of Reading

   - Axel-Nathaniel Rose


Research adventures: From the archive to the forest

   - Melanie Ross


Let’s talk about disobedience: the opportunities of epistemic refusal

   - Rebecca Ryall


Dialoguing the dead: reflections on the loss of the father

   - Emily Rytmeister & Jane Scerri


Twenty-first Century écriture féminine: examining revisionist mythmaking and the representation of women in contemporary mythopoeic fiction

   - Juliette Sauvage


Writing refugee lives – shared vulnerabilities

   - Rosemary Sayer


All Too Well: metanarrative, storytelling, and the parasocial audience of Taylor Swift

   - Jessica Seymour


Writing is dead and getting deader

   - Paul Shields


Two months on foot: walking toward an ecopoetics of landscape and soundscape

   - Thomas Simpson


Dolphins in the Reservoir: Care, Consciousness, Affect and Electronic Literature

   - Hazel Smith


Mushrooms, rabbits and birds: More than human encounters and creative practice

   - Andraya Stapp-Gaunt, Charlotte Stone & Josh Finzi


Beyond the academy: Researching the biography of Eliza Cook

   - Carmel Summers


Playing Western mahjong and writing western stories: It’s hysteresis not hysteria! Poetry as method and balm

   - Emily Sun


​​Talking in language like rain

   - Michelle Symes


Caring for the Author When Writing from the Heart

   - Melinda Tognini


On Lydia Davis’s ‘A Position at the University’ as a description of (among others) me

   - Julienne van Loon


Queering the past: Representing neuroqueer characters in historical fiction

   - Ariella van Luyn


The book as poem: writing silenced themes through collection contents and ordering

   - Amelia Walker


Beyond the journey: fresh metaphors for articulating HDR candidature and early career academic life

   - Amelia Walker, Chloe Cannell, Dante De Bono  & Simon-Peter Telford 


Narratives of stillbirth – redefining silences through personal and historical perspectives

   - Megan Warren, Karen Le Rossignol & Patrick West


A writer, a reader and a bot walk into a bar: writing and ethics in (non)human collaborations

   - Beck Wise, Benjamin Miller & Catriona Arthy


We need to talk about artificial intelligence: Conversations about the future of writing and writing studies

   - Beck Wise, Ariella Van Luyn, Susan Thomas, Lisa Emerson, Bronwyn Dyson & Collin Bjork


Defining (for the last time!) Australian digital literature

   - David Wright

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